Our Narratives


Cultural Artifacts

Inspired by the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, which shaped today’s civilizations, we now journey into the Netzoic era. It is timely to curate digital cultural heritage that transcends traditions and religions, in collaboration with three UNESCO Geoparks.


11111 Fehuliths

A limited supply of 11,111 Fehuliths will be released in three epochs (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Monolithic). Each epoch will feature its own distinctive characteristics and privileges.


Connoisseurs of the Fehuliths will be granted primary stakeship in the Fehurunes and governance role in the Fehunomics.

Fehuliths x Fehurunes

Bitcoin Assets

Our Origins.
Our Audacious Legacy.

Inscriptions on both Digital Megalith and Heritage Site will occur from 2025-2028, with affirmative actions ensuring their endurance and sustainable stewardship until 2140.


Cultural heritage holds immense potential for the fractionalization of real-world assets.